Who’s Your Daddy Remake




Kids are like tiny, curious explorers who have just discovered the world around them, and they want to touch, taste, and explore everything. They’re like little energizer bunnies, bouncing around and getting into everything they possibly can. It’s like they have a radar for the most dangerous and potentially deadly things in the room. In this remake of Who’s Your Daddy, you will once again set out on the most challenging babysitting quest ever and try to make sure your little and very mischievous kid stays alive by the end of the day!

Keep this suicidal toddler in check!

Playing Who’s Your Daddy Remake is a rollercoaster of emotions that will leave you feeling dizzy and questioning your life choices. It’s like going through a haunted house, but instead of ghosts and goblins, you’re dealing with a tiny, suicidal baby who is hell-bent on self-destruction.

One minute you’re feeling confident, like you’ve got this whole parenting thing under control. The next minute, you’re watching in horror as your little bundle of joy crawls into the oven or licks a power socket. You can’t let something like that happen while you’re on the watch, oh no!

Let daddy vs baby battle begin!

But amidst the chaos and destruction, there are moments of sheer hilarity. Like when you catch the baby trying to eat a bar of soap or sticking their fingers in a light socket. You can’t help but laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. It’s like watching a comedy of errors unfold before your very eyes.

This game will make you exhausted, stressed, and laugh uncontrollably all at the same time. The only thing it can be compared to is trying to herd cats, except the cats are made of rubber and can electrocute themselves. So buckle up, dad, your babysitting nightmare is about to start!

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